
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Almost finished...

...with the semester, that is.  1 more week of classes, an exam in each class, then I'm off for a month.  I'll still have some random odds and ends to work on during break, but no classes.  I am more than ready for that kind of poor brain needs a rest from having to think so much on such specific and detailed topics (ie, Patho and Pharm).

Still working on clinical compliance, but only a few more things are left on my list.  I have all my clothes and supplies, should be getting the last of my vaccination compliance paperwork this week, and have done all my training except for my CPR skills class.  What's left...paying out a lot of money for tuition, testing fees, clinical fees, and books.  Oye.

All that to say I'm in a holding pattern for now.  Keeping busy, just not the slightest bit exciting  :-)

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