
Thursday, February 16, 2012

5 weeks in...I think??

I'm too lazy to get my planner out and count, but I'm pretty sure it's the 5th week of classes.  And things are going fairly well.

The high point of the semester so far was my day in the NICU yesterday.  THE Hospital has a Level 2 NICU, so while there is nothing majorly super serious there (those little ones get sent off to Kosair's, which is a couple hours from here), it's still nice to have the experience in the NICU.  I didn't really do a whole lot but observe, taking part in some very basic interventions.  But what I really loved...I got to see a c-section.  And it was, hands down, one of the coolest things I've ever been allowed to see.  I was in there as a "guest" of the Nursery RN and NP, but the L&D RN's and even the OB were so nice and explaining what was going on.  It was awesome!  After yesterday, I am more sure that my future is in OB nursing...maybe not so much in L&D, but I'm thinking NICU/Nursery (they work in both and float back and forth as needed) or Mother-Baby.  Each time I think about another area I might want to work in, I always come back to OB.  Must be a sign  :-)

Other big news...I'm applying for student nurse extern positions for the summer, at THE Hospital and a bigger hospital that's about 45 minutes away.  Both are 10 week programs, 24 hours a week.  And both offer the chance to stay on as a NA after the program is over...and I'm *REALLY* hoping they might offer a foot in the door to employment after graduation! stuff beckons, as usual.  Working on my clinical assignment after being in the NICU yesterday, as well as reading and working on study guides for upcoming exams.

Later  :-)


  1. I so remember observing a C-section, glad you like it. Personally C-sec are gross. Being a man I think that is the problem, men avoid the baby stuff. Why are men only 5% of nurses, we don't get it. :)

  2. I don't think some of my classmates - female as well as the 3 guys - would have liked seeing the section...they're pretty much hating OB and Peds this semester. It was kinda gross, but I was still fascinated by it

  3. Well wishes and good thoughts to you getting the externship this summer. I was turned down by all the hospitals I applied for which was a bummer, but I applied for a public health county internship that I'm praying I get. If not, I'll just fill in some of the gaps this summer with extra working and taking a few credits before I graduate.

    I think I'm going to head towards the OB route too, because at this point nothing else has caught my attention like it has. After I head out of town for my week cultural diversity clinic/hospital trip to an Indian Reservation in a few weeks, I'll let you know for sure if OB's my thing. I guess we'll be able to help deliver babies there, EXCITING!

  4. Just found your blog and like it! I absolutely loved my experiences in L & D and mother/baby...especially the c-sections. Good luck with your externship! They are incredible learning experiences. I really wanted the one in L&D and got peds instead which I thought I was bummed about...until I realized I LOVED it! 7 years later, I've thoroughly loved being a PICU nurse, and just got a job as a PICU nurse practitioner! wow how things change! Good luck!
